Parent and Community General Information
Public Accessible Documents
- Division 22 Report 2020-21 HCSD3
- 2021=2022 Audit HCSD 3 Financial Statements
- 2022-23 HCSD3 Calendar
- HCSD #3 Adopted 2023-2024 Budget
- CIP Submitted 12-5-19
- 2022-2023 Harney County SD 3 Audit
- 22-23 ADOPTED BUDGET - Full Document
- 2020-2021 HCSD 3 Audit Financial Statements FINAL
- 22-23 Oregon Division 22 Compliance with Standards
Healthy and Safe Schools Plan and Documents
School Investment Account (SIA) Documents
- 2023 Integrated Guidance working document
- SIA Integrated Planning Tool HCSD3 - Strategies & Outcomes for plan
- 2023 Integrated Guidance application
- SIA_BUDGET_FINAL_HCSD3 - Expenditures
- Approved Board Minutes 2-11-20 SSA board input
- SIA Grant Application HCSD3 2020-21 for board approval
- HCSD3 Annual SIA Report 2020-21
- Integrated Guidance 2022-23 Annual Report
Click on the above SafeSchools link and Register to view training our teachers receive annually to protect students and staff, making sure appropriate boundaries are maintained. Training courses available for parents to view are as follows:
- Sexual Misconduct: Staff-to-Student
- Sexual Conduct: Staff-to-Student (Specific course for parents)
- Child Abuse: Identification & Intervention
- Boundary Invasion
Sexual conduct of staff toward students in schools is a serious and growing problem which has gained increasing national attention, from the headlines to the High Court, over the past decade. Commonly defined as unwanted and unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature, sexual conduct by teachers, administrators, and other employees aimed at students is an issue of sufficient magnitude to warrant special attention by school boards and school officials. While the vast number of school staff members are competent, capable and caring professionals, boundary invasions of a sexual nature unfortunately, do occur, and have a profound and lasting impact on the students, schools, communities and staff members involved. We want to make sure staff, students, and parents understand what is appropriate and what is not, as well as how to report inappropriate behavior. You are encouraged to view the training.
District Complaint Form or Safety Report/Tip
2023 Hines SRTS Plan
Homeless Information (McKinney Vento)
Your McKinney Vento (homeless) liaison advocates for the educational rights of children and youth living in homeless or transitional situations including residing in motels, substandard housing, shelter, transitional housing, camping or doubled up with other families. We are here for you during this pandemic and distance learning. If you have questions about wi-fi connectivity, Oregon Health Plan, food, rent or utility help, please reach out to see how we can help. Our goal is to make sure that your child has everything they need to access their education.
Please contact Lisa Tiller to see how we can assist you.
541-573-2044 or